MKMMA Week 7

Check back with me later this week (Week 8 post).


I have missed the requirements for the week – been struggling so much. I don’t have anything to share for this week, as I’m so far behind. I will say, that I decided to re-read all of the Master Keys, and I’m still in process, but I am learning more about what we read. More of the information is connecting with me by reviewing it, this far down the road.


I haven’t created my recording yet. I’ve encountered so much resistance, lack of faith, etc. It’s impossible to ignore words that may/may not be considered thoughtful when all you want is some encouragement from the person that’s “supposed” to be providing it- and cannot get it. My struggle is nothing compared to the struggle of others, this I know.

Humility. Diligence. Faith.


Hope you all had a great week 7!


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6 thoughts on “MKMMA Week 7

  1. Aloha Stephanie…Remember honey its ok we all have your back! Thank you for being honest and you know what? YOU are still here YOU are still doing it! Congratulations for chipping that cement away!
    Some days just suck! The people we want support from the most sometimes have their own shite to deal with and we feel we aren’t loved or supported BUT YOU are here WE care…Remember ‘this to shall pass’ tomorrow is another day…sending you sun shining,happy, supportive vibes from me here in Hawaii 🙂


  2. You need to rescue someone… Yourself… You are worth the journey… You are struggling to get out… Stick with it… The results are worth the struggle.. Be Encouraged.


  3. You got this, Stephanie! I have felt this same way, it’s the old Blueprint keeping you a slave to it. You are doing it, as you write this! Let’s finish it together! Mahalo for sharing your vulnerability, it shows you’re human 🌺


  4. Stephanie, Thank you for your honesty and sharing! I too am behind and am scrambling to regain control of myself…yes…regain control of yourself!!! Do not let your old blueprint win this battle! Accept the challenge and realize the resistance is from the part of you that does not want you to change…I challenge you to accept obstacles as your challenge and break through to the new you. Are you attracting to yourself these conditions? Your new you is so worth fighting for…just stay with as much as you can. Pick what feels important to you to do and do it…only add more as you become comfortable to. Believe


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