About Me!

Hello, and welcome!

My name is Stephanie – Stellar Stephanie for all intents and purposes.  “Stellar” works for me in two ways:

  • I am stellar
  • I love all things celestial

I work in a call center for an educational technology company. I love and am grateful for my job. They treat their employees so well, and I am honored they chose me as an employee a few months ago. I am constantly learning new things, which continues to give me reasons to love it.

I am a teacher. I am not certified on paper, but I am a teacher in my heart. I love helping others learn, and I gain so much more in return.

I am a (new!) runner, and a (new!) runner outdoors. I used to fear the possibility of people looking at me run, but now I cannot care, because I have a job to do – train for my first ever half-marathon at Disney World in January 2016!


3 thoughts on “About Me!

  1. Aloha, Stellar Stephanie! One of my favourite roles, as an opera / music theatre career, was singing the role of Princess of the Stars in 2 major theatre pieces by Canadian composer, R Murray Schafer…for 10 years…out in the wilderness…singing a 7 minute aria with no words, just vowels set to music that mimicked loon calls…in fact, I had to sing that aria twice, kneeling in a canoe while being paddled up a lake in total darkness except for the 8 flames out on 8 rafts which represented the Corona Borealis, the home of the Princess of the Stars. Wishing you a stellar and wonder filled MKMMA journey.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wendy, Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your experiences with regards to your role in the opera and theater! I have a visual in my head of what this looked like, and it looks lovely! What was your favorite part of your role in Princess of the Stars? That sounds like it must have been a marvelous experience!


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